Welcome to the blog

“A cobbler’s child goes without shoes.”

After helping maintain another blog for the last 5 years (about my dogs), I finally put this one together. One element I stress with my photography students is maintaining a public presence outside of facebook and twitter. I have been very fortunate with my own business, which I get primarily through word of mouth and direct contacts. And those circumstances lulled me into complacency about maintaining my own public presence. Until now.

So this week there is a new website plus this blog. This format will allow me to address a number of non-commercial aspects of making images, discuss some of the “behind-the-scenes” of my business, and also share some of the interesting things that I have discovered along the way about images, art, and interesting people.

Below is an example of a spontaneous photo from my Spring class of Studio Photography at the Art Institute of Portland. The topic and demonstration was about using a 7.5′ parabolic umbrella as a single light source. As this was the last class of the term, a little pent up energy popped through as the Summer break was just a few days away.

The primary lesson learned that day: Photography can be fun

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